I'm very thankful for the friends I have in my life (online, IRL, both!!) I'm not the best friend in the world. I admit it. I tend to retreat to myself and may take a lot more than I give but I've really worked on that this year. It took losing a great friendship to really make me more aware to cherish and nurture the friendships I do have.
I'm thankful for the love and laughter in my home. I'm thankful for warm hearts, full bellies, and an abundance of hugs and kisses. My family is my heart. They are what I get up for in the mornings and go to bed thinking of each night.
I'm thankful I have the opportunity to work from home. I NEED this creative outlet and just love seeing people use my goodies to document THEIR memories. I have the best customers, I belong to the best digital community, and have the best online family any girl could ask for.
I'm thankful that I am a child of a God that forgives me daily and loves me no matter the mistakes I make. (and I can make some doozies!) Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
his love endures forever. Psalm 106:1 God has abundantly blessed my life and I need to always be grateful for that.
And with that..I'm closing up November :) I'm ready for the holiday season and Christmas excitement mode is on full blast here in my house! Here's to a great month and lots of memory making.