M is For...
Ahh the long awaited kit for my Alphabet Collection has finally arrived! I admit it was hard to get back into the swing of these kits but I have ideas for the upcoming kits so hopefully they will be back to pretty steady releases! M is For.. is great for documenting those fabulous (M)emories, (M)ilestones, and (M)oments that you don't ever want to forget! Enjoy!
Going..Going..Gone & Penny Candy
It's that time..to clean the shelves of some old to make room for the new! Also Penny Candy that's usually 30% is 50%!! off during this sale as well. Make sure to pick up your favorite GGG items before they are gone forever. I'll post each of my kits on my blog later this week so you can make sure you don't miss out on any must haves.
Have a great week! Going to clean and rearrange a couple bedrooms today (yah bet you wish you were me huh?) Keep scrapping those memories!
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